
Showing posts with the label divided government

divided crock pot

divided crock pot divided synonym Some common synonyms of divide are divorce, part, separate, sever, and sunder. While all these words mean "to become or cause to become disunited or .Synonyms for 'divide': take apart, take down, break down, carve up, split, screen off, branch, dismantle, atomise, atomize, bisect, break up, cut..Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: divided(adj) separated into parts or pieces divided, duallane(adj) having a median .asunder. adverbapart; into pieces. disconnected. disjoined. divided..The best 193 synonyms for divide, including: separate, part, disengage, detach, dissolve, dividing, divaricate, quotient, partition, sever, split and more..Divided synonyms. Top synonyms for divided (other words for divided) are split, shared and separated..Adjective Separated or split into pieces That splits into two or more directions, or parts Divided or undecided, as in preference Of, pertaining to, or caused by .divide verbse...